Abbiati Monuments has teamed up with the Brattleboro Floral Arts and Garden Club’s participation in the Vermont Cobble Project.
The Garden Club is selling Cobbles as a fund raiser – to maintain the Creamery Bridge Gardens.
The Vermont Cobble Project is an ongoing effort with the Brattleboro Floral Arts & Garden Club to create Green Spaces that the community has a part in. Our first Cobble Project will be creating Cobbles for the Brattleboro Creamery Bridge Garden. Go to the Garden Club site, and click Projects/Cobble Project for all the details.

After the Sand-Blasting process is complete, the plastic is removed and the recessed letters are hand
painted – for better viewing. The paint used is very durable and will last for a long long time.

Notice the lower right cobble. Mileva is a Past President of the Brattleboro Florial Arts & Garden Club. Her cobble still has the plastic on it, and has not yet been painted.